Friday, July 16, 2004

Secunia - Virus Information - BAGLE.AF

Secunia - Virus Information - BAGLE.AF

This one is spreading significantly.

This is a mass-mailing worm with the following characteristics:

* contains its own SMTP engine to construct outgoing messages
* harvests email addresses from the victim machine
* the From: address of messages is spoofed
* attachment can be a password-protected zip file, with the password included in the message body.
* contains a remote access component (notification is sent to hacker)
* copies itself to folders that have the phrase shar in the name (such as common peer-to-peer applications; KaZaa, Bearshare, Limewire, etc)
* uses various mutex names selected from those W32/Netsky variants have used, in order to prevent those W32/Netsky variants running on infected machines.

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